
Here are just some of the conservation and animal rescue organizations that work tirelessly to protect animals and the environment. Your donations are always appreciated, but there are so many ways to become involved, from sponsoring an elephant at David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, to spending time in Namibia volunteering for the Cheetah Conservation Fund, or even walking dogs at your local Humane Society shelter. Do what you can, and together we can make a difference.

Conservation Organizations:

Born Free USA - Aids wild animals in captivity, rescues animals in need, and protects wildlife. Many ways to take action on their site.

Cheetah Conservation Fund - Protects Wild Cheetahs and their Ecosystems.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust  - Rescues and rehabilitates Orphaned Elephants and Rhinos.

Humane Society of NY - Treats and rescues Small Animals, mostly Dogs and Cats.

Wild Aid - Aims to end illegal wildlife trade (mostly Elephants, Rhinos, Tigers, and Sharks)

Wildlife Conservation Society - Saves Wildlife around the globe: Elephants in Africa, Gorillas in the Congo, Tigers in India, Wolves in Yellowstone, Ocean Giants in the Seas, and even the animals of Central Park in NYC. 

World Wild Life - Aids Polar bears, Elephants, Rhinos, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and many more.

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